Timeline photos
Check out this cool picture I got with @[100045452675526:2048:Dennis Kucinich] last night at a meet and greet hosted by Akron Mayoral Candidate @[560734541:2048:Tara L. Mosley]. Tara was Dennis' running mate in his recent bid for being Ohio's governor. During the campaign he said he was going to turn the governor's mansion into a homeless shelter if he won. I got to talk to him a bit about that. He said that, of course, it was symbolic. But he would have done it and the point was that we have a serious unaddressed issue of homelessness all throughout Ohio. From our cities to our rural Appalachian areas. Dennis has always been inspirational to me. He's a guy that stands up for what he believes even if it isn't the most politically savvy move. That's the kind of council person I want to be if you elect me as the next Ward 8 City Council leader on May 2, 2023 in the Democratic primary. #sageforakron8